I am not going to lie to you - as you know. Get your mind right and let's dive into an all-reps week. You've got this! xoxo, Di

Day 1 - Upper Body Pyramid
5 pushups
5 monkeys
5 simultaneous commandoes
10 knee sliders
10 rotational pushups
10 bar on chair biceps / water curls
10 triceps dips on chair
10 pushups
10 monkeys
10 simultaneous commandoes
5 knee sliders
5 rotational pushups
5 bar on chair biceps
5 triceps dips on chair
Finisher: 10 a-plank and 10 side plank flies each side
Day 2 - Lower Body Pyramid
10 anchored sliders
10 eccentric sliding bridge
10 leg drop down
10 hamstring bridges
20 side step up to balance r
20 side step up to balance l
30 sit and stand goblets
20 anchored sliders
20 sliding bridge
20 leg drop down
20 hamstring bridges
10 side step up to balance r
10 side step up to balance l
10 sit and stand goblets
Finisher: 50 speed sliding jacknife
Day 3 - Upper Body 888
windshield wiper pushup
deep sliders
sliding chest
quick headstands
exaggerated forward triups
modified dive bomber
flying pushup
Finisher: 10 touchdown to plank and 10 side plank flies each side
Day 4 - Posterior Legs 888
anchored sliders
sliding bridge
hamstring bridges
high step up to balance r
high step up to balance l
no touchdown calf raises
sumo calf raises
calf raise single leg bridge
Finisher: 20 back extension leg lifts

Day 5 - Anterior Legs + Glutes 444
pistol r
pistol l
sl wall squat kick at stickypoint r
sl wall squat kick at stickypoint l
Finisher: 50 speed sliding jacknives
Day 6 - Shoulders 888
windshield wiper pushup
fwd back plank slomo
sl side plank rotation r
sl side plank rotation
dive bombers
quick headstands
Finisher: 10 touchdown to plank
Day 7 - Abs
5 crunches
5 sit ups
5 elevated leg crunch
10 elevated leg touch
10 knee to elbow low plank
10 pike to right foot
10 pike to left foot
10 eccentric candle
10 side to side crunch
10 side to side situps
10 circular leg drop
5 balance bike r
5 balance bike l
5 slo mo ceiling stabs