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Breathe and the Workout Breakdown for the Week of March 14th

Writer: BodyholicBodyholic

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

Hi! I hope this note finds you well because the world right now is throwing us so many curve balls that I am just hoping, and sending you all of the positive vibes that I can, that you are getting through this time one breath at a time and caring for your well-being.

If you are reading this - I am happy. Simply because that means to me that you took a few minutes today to actively care for YOU. So... I want to give you an exercise, my favorite one, that allows for us to drop into our bodies and get in touch with our breath and turn off all of the noise, if only for a few precious minutes, and it can be done anywhere and anytime.

The 4-8-8

Standing, sitting, lying - with an elongated back:

Take a deep breath for a count of 4

Hold for a count of 8

Exhale slow for a count of 8

Repeat at least 3 times and at most 10 (but that might make you a bit dizzy).

Please share with me if that helped you focus and reset in any way.

Ok! Let's go to the workouts:


14 Daily #263 - Total Body Endurance

15 Daily #264 - Cardio and Core HIIT

16 Daily #265 - Total Body Endurance

17 Pilates #123 - Priendly

18 Pilates #124

19 Mindfulness Strength Flow #114

20 Daily #266 - Cardio and Core HIIT

Let us get this week! Shall we?




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