Hi guys! So! CHANGE OF PLANS! After thinking long and hard and getting in deep touch with my values and my gut feelings I have decided to CANCEL the November Mindfulness Strength Workshop. Let me explain and I hope you stay with me until the end.
The workshop has been very meaningful for me and we have 2 more weeks left and, interestingly enough, BECAUSE it has been so meaningful for me - planning it out - devoting my own time to the weekly exercises and taking in the participants experiences - etc... etc... I realized that I actually need time to digest it all and regroup for the next MSW. SOOOOO! I already had registrants!! I mustered the courage and explained the situation and here is what happened:
One person asked for a refund explaining that she would like to wait until I open the next workshop, one person converted the fee into online personal training and the 2 others asked if I would be willing to consider a Mindfulness Strength Flow Workshop. Meaning - focusing on the Mindfulness Strength Flow the way I originally designed it - a long (between an hour and an hour and a half) workout that begins and ends with a very short meditation. In other words, it would be solely a workout and hyper focused on the gradual build of strength endurance training and flexibility. I am so so so excited about it. We open the training December 4th and will meet every Saturday during December! Please shoot me an email or an Instagram DM or a Whatsapp if you have any questions at all!
Phew... ok here is this week's workout plan:
Here is the plan:
8 Daily #216 - Leg Day Reps
9 Daily #217 - Cardio - ONE Tabata
10 Daily #218 - Upper Body Reps
11 Daily #219 - Cardio and Core 20 min AMRAP
12 Pilates #99 - Priendly
13 Mindfulness Strength Flow #93
14 Mindfulness Strength Flow #94 - Stretch
It is going to be FUN!!!!